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Error 400 using country secondary fields

Hi, i tryng to create a new case (endpoint

Using this body, i insert my new case correctly:

{"secondaryFields":[{"typeId":"SFCT_1","value":"MALE"},{"typeId":"SFCT_2","dateTimeValue":"1973-05-26"}],"entityType":"INDIVIDUAL","customFields":[],"groupId":"0a3687cf-5fe4-105f-9808-44b100000521","providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"Mario Rossi"}

When i add a new country field in secondary fields, i receive error 400:

{"secondaryFields":[{"typeId":"SFCT_1","value":"MALE"},{"typeId":"SFCT_2","dateTimeValue":"1973-05-26"},{"typeId":"SFCT_4","Value":"ITA"}],"entityType":"INDIVIDUAL","customFields":[],"groupId":"0a3687cf-5fe4-105f-9808-44b100000521","providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"Mario Rossi"}

Can someone help me?


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Hello @mirko.fedele,

I looked and tested your code. I also received 400 error message in the postman.

After changing "Value" to "value" I've received 200 OK message.

The parameters names are casesensitive.

Could you please check it?

Best Regards


{"secondaryFields":[{"typeId":"SFCT_1","value":"MALE"},{"typeId":"SFCT_2","dateTimeValue":"1973-05-26"},{"typeId":"SFCT_4","value":"USA"}],"entityType":"INDIVIDUAL","customFields":[],"groupId":"0a3687cf-5fe4-105f-9808-44b100000521","providerTypes":["WATCHLIST"],"name":"Mario Rossi"}

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Perfect! I've received 200


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