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"cases/{<!-- -->{case-system-id}}/screeningRequest" is not updating case results when called again after case update request

Hi Team,

When we are updating a case and performing caseScreening again it is not updating the results in World-Check One application. There are only old matched profiles in World-Check One application.

Does the caseScreeing adds the new results to old one? If it is true then may be there are no new profiles for recent update. Thats why showing old results only. Is it possible to check what was the result for recent screening in World-Check One application?

In our application after updating case, we are performing caseScreeing and then sending email if match found. The issue is, all emails contain old result values even after case has been updated.

Please help.

NOTE - We are working on Pilot environment right now

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Thank you for the requested details.

Kindly note that you are unable to view any of the matches for the name "PACQUIAO MARQUEZ" in your updated case, is because that the name "PACQUIAO MARQUEZ" does not generate any screening results. This is why you are able to see only the old results related to the name "SALMAN KHAN".

The key here is to understand that when the case is updated with a new name, the old results are retained in the new result set along with the new results. In this case, there were no new results, so the screening result API is showing only the old result set.

I just screened the name "PACQUIAO MARQUEZ" as a new case and do not find any results for it.

Request you to replicate this using a different name, which is common and which is bound to generate results when it is screened and you will see them in the result set.


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Hi @mallinathan.saranyes,

Can you please post the original request (including the payloads), the updated request and their respective results here ??


Mehran Khan

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@Mehran.Ahmed Khan thank you for the response.

Please find below our original request

<caseId>OM000081280</caseId><entityType>INDIVIDUAL</entityType><groupId /><name>SALMAN KHAN</name><secondaryFields><typeId>SFCT_2</typeId><value></value><dateTimeValue>1965-12-27</dateTimeValue></secondaryFields><secondaryFields><typeId>SFCT_5</typeId><value>IND</value><dateTimeValue></dateTimeValue></secondaryFields><providerTypes>WATCHLIST</providerTypes>

then we updated the case with name PACQUIAO MARQUEZ and screened case again but results are not updated in world check application.

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