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What headers must be in correct request? (at POSTMAN)

When I try to send test request to WC1 through POSTMAN, I got errors like that
"message": "Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization=Signature keyId=\"**our_api_key**",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\""

I'm trying to follow your doc's examples (, but I don't understand which keys I should include to headers. Can you help me with that and provide some real working code examples please? Thank you very much!

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Can you delete the existing postman collection from your postman and download from the below link, re-import and retry the API request?


Mehran Khan

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Can you please replicate this once more by turning on the postman console by clicking on alt+ctrl+c and provide me the complete request and response so that i can investigate this further?


Mehran Khan

API Technical Consultant

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POST 08:16:31.693 Pretty Raw
    • Request Headers:
      • Authorization:"'Signature keyId="99381b37-fbcf-4473-99ef-72478189a838",algorithm="hmac-sha256""
      • host:""
      • date:"Tue, 08 Feb 2019 07:45:35 GMT"
      • content-type:"application/json"
      • cache-control:"no-cache"
      • Postman-Token:"04d44b68-95af-40b5-800b-1e592d490955"
      • User-Agent:"PostmanRuntime/7.6.0"
      • Accept:"*/*"
      • accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate"
    • Request Body:
      • caseId:"my customer ID"
      • name:"John Doe"
      • region:"California"
    • Response Headers:
      • Content-Type:"application/json"
      • Content-Length:"275"
      • Connection:"keep-alive"
      • Date:"Mon, 11 Feb 2019 05:16:32 GMT"
      • x-amzn-RequestId:"31b2e5e7-2dbc-11e9-9217-030a9c2e7c43"
      • x-amzn-ErrorType:"IncompleteSignatureException"
      • x-amz-apigw-id:"U62_iGQdjoEFicA="
      • X-Cache:"Error from cloudfront"
      • Via:"1.1 (CloudFront)"
      • X-Amz-Cf-Id:"kM6BbEq7wUXIoHj2FiXavwhE_IWfciKI3uQ2dq9Zuu3jNHPQ3fImBA=="
    • Response Body:
      • message:"Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization='Signature keyId="99381b37-fbcf-4473-99ef-72478189a838",algorithm="hmac-sha256""
403 667ms
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@Mehran.Ahmed Khan

Like that?

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Thanks for providing the request & response.

1. As you can see the difference between your requested time and the time of response is >30 seconds, ideally, you will get a 401. In your case, the requested date is 8th Feb and the response date is 11th Feb, can you please check your system date settings to make sure that the date header value is in sync with the NTP or the GMT clock for the API call to succeed. The difference with the API clock time shouldn’t be >30s. When it’s more than 30s you get a 401.

2. Can you also confirm the error code that you see?

3. I would like you to confirm if you changed anything in the pre-request script in the postman, from the response headers I see that its unable to read the credentials that is being formed in authorisation header.

4. Another thing that I notice from your request body is the secondary field "Region = California", Kindly fire the "SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group" API to check all the secondary fields that are allowed for your group.

The fieldValueType is a COUNTRY for such secondary fields, I believe passing California would give you an


Please provide your thoughts on the above queries so that we can investigate this further.


Mehran Khan

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10 |1500

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I am copying a success request & response below for your reference.

POST /v1/cases/screening

Request Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 05:53:31 GMT

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Signature keyId="5fa98623-c004-493c-a294-f70e0265e***",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="KSEJ8A7KADlK23Ok6kq3p7I0OMGU9qDxO+lUs******="

Content-Length: 226

cache-control: no-cache

Postman-Token: 63cefe72-004c-4e99-9059-961c4ed49b11

User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.6.0

Accept: */*


accept-encoding: gzip, deflate

{ "groupId": "0a3687cf-6542-14dd-9967-e91100000a2b", "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL", "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "name": "John Doe", "secondaryFields": [{ "typeId": "SFCT_3", "value": "USA" } ] }

HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 4318

Connection: keep-alive

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 05:53:49 GMT

x-amzn-RequestId: 5cc91202-2dc1-11e9-bd5c-658c026419b8

x-amz-apigw-id: U68aYHoMDoEF-Nw=

X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5c610ddc-d5d5d43eca2779c8f5399ee7;Sampled=0

X-Cache: Miss from cloudfront

Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)

X-Amz-Cf-Id: kdGeQO9MTR2YSusbmWa1AKr9oYYex-5D7OUbwaCNZI2MC_1TZuM72A==

{"results":[{"referenceId":"e_tr_wci_906384","matchStrength":"STRONG","matchedTerm":"堵,燕","submittedTerm":"John Doe","matchedNameType":"NATIVE_AKA","secondaryFieldResults":[{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":"USA","dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":"USA","matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"MATCHED"},{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":null,"dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":null,"matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"UNKNOWN"}],"sources":["b_trwc_4"],"categories":["Other Bodies"],"creationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","modificationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","primaryName":"Yan DU","events":[],"countryLinks":[{"countryText":"CHINA","country":{"code":"CHN","name":"CHINA"},"type":"LOCATION"},{"countryText":"UNITED STATES","country":{"code":"USA","name":"UNITED STATES"},"type":"LOCATION"},{"countryText":"CHINA","country":{"code":"CHN","name":"CHINA"},"type":"NATIONALITY"}],"identityDocuments":[{"entity":null,"number":"80770097","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":"CHINA","type":"Passport","locationType":null},{"entity":null,"number":"946.225.908-97","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":null,"type":null,"locationType":null}],"category":"CRIME - NARCOTICS","providerType":"WATCHLIST","gender":"MALE"},{"referenceId":"e_tr_wci_2016078","matchStrength":"WEAK","matchedTerm":"John DE LAURELL","submittedTerm":"John Doe","matchedNameType":"PRIMARY","secondaryFieldResults":[{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":"USA","dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":"USA","matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"MATCHED"},{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":null,"dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":null,"matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"UNKNOWN"}],"sources":["b_trwc_4"],"categories":["Other Bodies"],"creationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","modificationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","primaryName":"John DE LAURELL","events":[{"day":null,"month":null,"year":1988,"address":null,"fullDate":"1988","allegedAddresses":[],"type":"BIRTH"},{"day":null,"month":null,"year":1989,"address":null,"fullDate":"1989","allegedAddresses":[],"type":"BIRTH"}],"countryLinks":[{"countryText":"UNITED STATES","country":{"code":"USA","name":"UNITED STATES"},"type":"LOCATION"},{"countryText":"UNITED STATES","country":{"code":"USA","name":"UNITED STATES"},"type":"NATIONALITY"}],"identityDocuments":[{"entity":null,"number":"29697863","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":"USA","type":"Passport","locationType":null},{"entity":null,"number":"301.009.142-40","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":null,"type":null,"locationType":null}],"category":"CRIME - NARCOTICS","providerType":"WATCHLIST","gender":"MALE"},{"referenceId":"e_tr_wci_1151112","matchStrength":"WEAK","matchedTerm":"雕,俊","submittedTerm":"John Doe","matchedNameType":"NATIVE_AKA","secondaryFieldResults":[{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":"USA","dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":"USA","matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"MATCHED"},{"field":{"typeId":"SFCT_3","value":null,"dateTimeValue":null},"typeId":"SFCT_3","submittedValue":"USA","submittedDateTimeValue":null,"matchedValue":null,"matchedDateTimeValue":null,"fieldResult":"UNKNOWN"}],"sources":["b_trwc_PEP N"],"categories":["PEP"],"creationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","modificationDate":"2019-02-11T05:53:49.987Z","primaryName":"Jun DIAO","events":[],"countryLinks":[{"countryText":"CHINA","country":{"code":"CHN","name":"CHINA"},"type":"LOCATION"},{"countryText":"UNITED STATES","country":{"code":"USA","name":"UNITED STATES"},"type":"LOCATION"},{"countryText":"CHINA","country":{"code":"CHN","name":"CHINA"},"type":"NATIONALITY"}],"identityDocuments":[{"entity":null,"number":"01100711","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":"CHINA","type":"Passport","locationType":null},{"entity":null,"number":"122.876.544-95","issueDate":null,"expiryDate":null,"issuer":null,"type":null,"locationType":null}],"category":"DIPLOMAT","providerType":"WATCHLIST","gender":"MALE"}]}

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@Mehran.Ahmed Khan

Thank you for example! But now I have that strange answer. Could you help me to fix my request please! I saw you've include the 'host' key in 'Authorization', but your request was successfull. Whats the difference? (incorrect time may be, becase I've tried to play with headers after first result, but the server answer didn't change anyway).

    • Request Headers:
      • content-length:"232"
      • Authorization:"signature keyId="99381b37-fbcf-4473-99ef-72478189a838",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="2YUKwJP+gWOgfzpTGnAkSyntM2Yev2KZRArSMD7Xfe8=" "
      • post:"/v1/cases/screening"
      • host:""
      • date:"Mon, 11 Feb 2019 18:24:16 PHT +08:00"
      • content-type:"application/json"
      • cache-control:"no-cache"
      • Postman-Token:"85d37434-c891-4d04-9cc4-133ef1b7f825"
      • User-Agent:"PostmanRuntime/7.6.0"
      • Accept:"*/*"
      • accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate"
    • Request Body:
      • groupId:"0a3687cf-6542-14dd-9967-e91100000a2b"
      • entityType:"INDIVIDUAL"
      • providerTypes:
      • name:"John Doe"
      • secondaryFields:
    • Response Headers:
      • Content-Type:"application/json"
      • Content-Length:"305"
      • Connection:"keep-alive"
      • Date:"Mon, 11 Feb 2019 10:26:12 GMT"
      • x-amzn-RequestId:"74355be4-2de7-11e9-8dcc-8f4e6b81f20b"
      • x-amzn-ErrorType:"IncompleteSignatureException"
      • x-amz-apigw-id:"U7kWpGS2DoEFvOA="
      • X-Cache:"Error from cloudfront"
      • Via:"1.1 (CloudFront)"
      • X-Amz-Cf-Id:"mI5mfday928jmcDtozLXJUKtb_kWop5nu-Ps31wMPucE23NB685J5g=="
    • Response Body:
      • message:"'host' not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'signature keyId="99381b37-fbcf-4473-99ef-72478189a838",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="2YUKwJP+gWOgfzpTGnAkSyntM2Yev2KZRArSMD7Xfe8="'."

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After further investigation I believe that you're subscribed to the World-Check One API access and not World-Check One Zero Footprint, do let me know if I'm wrong here.

Can you please replace the host to and retry the request?

Also, do let me know the reason why you using the ZFS URL .


Mehran Khan

API Technical Consultant

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10 |1500

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I've changed host and related params, but server is not responding at all.


    • Request Headers:
      • content-length:"232"
      • Authorization:"Signature keyId="99381b37-fbcf-4473-99ef-72478189a838",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="U+XSb+tpssGx9X9Oy3VrgLaB3X0fiJ/6qFrEZ6bX5mo=""
      • post:"/v1/cases/screening"
      • host:""
      • date:"Mon, 11 Feb 2019 17:47:12 +0530 +05:30"
      • content-type:"application/json"
      • cache-control:"no-cache"
      • Postman-Token:"87bfaa9a-616e-4db8-bf77-4c06f9e9aa6c"
    • Request Body:
      • groupId:"0a3687cf-6542-14dd-9967-e91100000a2b"
      • entityType:"INDIVIDUAL"
      • providerTypes:
      • name:"John Doe"
      • secondaryFields:
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@Mehran.Ahmed Khan

Thanks you a lot! You've helped me very much!

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10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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