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Vector on EMA

We are publishing a internal Yield Curve using the Yield Curve format on a ADS via TREP Post contribution, message are accepted by the ADS and we can retrieve then in consumer application. But the field of type vector, is always empty on the first load of the consumer, all other fields are cached and when we subscribe, the last data that was send is retrieved, but vector entries are always empty until we re-send the yield curve. Is necessary some configuration to cache this on the ADS or is an invalid usage of the Vector type?

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Hello @lmagdariaga

I assume that you post the yield curve data to TREP cache, not to ATS via TREP, am I correct?

Based on a your xml trace file investigation, the API always receives empty vector from TREP unless you re-post data to TREP. The issue might relate to the TREP caching. I suggest you contact the ADS support team to help you verify TREP behavior. You can contact ADS support team by submitting the query to them via Get Support of MyRefinitiv. Select the Product to be ADS-Advanced Distribution Server.

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Hello @lmagdariaga

Can you replicate the issue on demand? If so please enable the EMA Java trace messages by setting <XmlTraceToStdout value="1"/> in the EmaConfig.xml file. The trace file will let us check if the Vector entry data is received by the API or not.

Additionally, could you please share what EMA Java version and the code that you parse data? (onRefreshMsg(), etc).

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The java version is, using xml trace show us that the post messages was accepted, when we first subscribe to the data, we always receive an empty vector, but if the publish a yield curve after a consumer is listen, then the consumer receive the vector with all the data, but if it disconnect and reconnect, then the refresh message that it receive contains an empty vector.

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Hello @imaguiraga

For the ADS question, "Is necessary some configuration to cache this on the ADS", you can contact ADS Support team who can help you about ADS configuration by submitting the query to them via Get Support of MyRefinitiv. Select the Product to be ADS-Advanced Distribution Server

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The java version is, using xml trace show us that the post messages was accepted, when we first subscribe to the data, we always receive an empty vector, but if the publish a yield curve after a consumer is listen, then the consumer receive the vector with all the data, but if it disconnect and reconnect, then the refresh message that it receive contains an empty vector.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.