How can I get the Chain Ric code for Options on Future?
Example, for the future BGI, it's just call 0#BGI:
How should I do to call the chain of option on future of this, to get results like BGI14200V9?
Is there any documentation on this?
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How can I get the Chain Ric code for Options on Future?
Example, for the future BGI, it's just call 0#BGI:
How should I do to call the chain of option on future of this, to get results like BGI14200V9?
Is there any documentation on this?
The chain RICs could be:
However, you need to check with the Refinitiv Helpdesk for confirmation.
Hi @JCZ,
Which API are you using? In general, when you make a request for a Chain, it will respond with a list of constituents providing the makeup of the chain. There is a comprehensive article on chains, in 2 parts that will provide a detailed breakdown of what they are, how they are organized and how to traverse them.
Hi. Thanks for trying to help me, but I'm still with the problem. I'm using DSS.
My problem is that when I call a RIC Chain, I only get the FUT assets type. In my example, when I call #0BGI: I get:
It's only FUT asset types. No assets of type FOP appear, such as:
BGI14500V9; BGI15050E0; BGI15100Q0; BGI15150E0; BGI15200E0; BGI15200L9; BGI15300E0
Hi @JCZ,
Thanks for clarifying the API - I was assuming it was originally one of the TREP APIs but I see you updated it to DSS.
This question may require a content specialist. I would reach out to the Refinitiv Helpdesk and they will research the content to determine the assets that should be included.