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@:UKMSCIP with the field AF0DTE I don’t get an error but all the values in eviews are NA

When I pull @:UKMSCIP with the field AF0DTE I don’t get an error but all the values in eviews are NA. The same code pulls @:UKMSCIP with the field AF0VAL without any issues. I assume it’s because AF0DTE is a date and AF0VAL is a number. Can you please help?

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I don't have Eviews so I am unable to verify the data shown in Eviews. However, I have used the DSWS API to retrieve the data. The following is the output.

AF0DTE retruns date.

For this issue, please contact the DataStream support team via and select "Datastream via Eviews" as a product.

1578970547093.png (39.6 KiB)
1578970748903.png (9.7 KiB)
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