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Using RFAJ Non-Interactive Provider to provide Record Augmentation

I am trying to publish to an Interactive Cache using Record Augmentation. I am able to Post to the Augmented Records but when I try to use a Non-Interactive Provider from RFAJ all I see are NIP Partial Augment Refreshes but I never see any updates.

Is NIP publishing to an Interactive Cache using Record Augmentation different that publishing to a NIP Cache? Is there a way of troubleshooting why we are not seeing updates? I am able to turn on tracing but I see the updates.

Reuters Advanced Data Hub Monitor ... Server Statistics MCM State: Active ... ... Attributes ... ... Data Streams ... ... nipPartialAugmentRefresh : 5 nipPartialAugmentUpdate : 0 ... ...

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Are the FID's configured in the publisherAllowedFieldList? If not they will be dropped. .

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