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How to download entire ESG information with API?

I like to retrieve the entire "Environment" Table under the "ESG" tab of a company. Is there a way to do this conveniently? If I go via the individual "TR." names, it takes a lot of time. Also, if I use get_data() to do this, the result is only the latest data point (say, 2018 value of Total Energy Use), but I would need the entire available time series information. Thank you!

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Hello @cspindler

I suggest you consider Refinitiv Data Platform APIs which provides Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) service.

For more details, please refer to ESG Quick Start on the Refinitiv Data Platform VDO . You can look into ESG DATA Guide for the Fields that are available and description.To request access to ESG service, please contact Refinitiv account representative.

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