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Option Chain From MCX Future: MCGBN0


I'm using the Eikon Data API and I'm not being able to pull the option chain data related to a specific future via ek.get_data. Have attached the screenshot of the chain. The future RIC : MCGBN0. If you could provide the exact command.


option-chain.png (93.2 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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Please try '0#MCGB+' representing Multi Commodity Exchange Of India Crude Oil Energy Option Chain Contracts.

df, e = ek.get_data('0#MCGB+',['PRCTCK_1','PCTCHNG','TRDPRC_1','BID','ASK','PUTCALLIND','EXPIR_DATE','STRIKE_PRC'])

The output is:

1593159332097.png (67.8 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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For delayed RICs (prefixed with a slash '/'), you can use '0#/MCGB+' instead.

18.2k 21 13 21

Hi @jagjit.singh

I am assuming that you are trying to expand "MCGBN0" chain RIC?

The "MCGBN0" is not a chain RIC.

Maybe you can try "0#MCGBN0" ? (I do not have access to it so I could not check).

ahs.png (11.9 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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