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How can I get the full name for a stock Symbol through the API?

What API call should I make to get the full name for a RIC symbol?

For example, from an input of "AC", I would like to get a string of "Air Canada" in return.

I tried "Quotes -> RetrieveItem_3", and "Search2 -> SearchSingleItem_1", but neither of them seem to work.

Please let me know what call I should make, as well as its JSON endpoint. Thank you!

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I can use GET GENERAL INFORMATION to retrieve CompanyName.

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Hello @ovx-wxu

Does the Search V2/Search Single Item service match your requirement?

API Endpoint:


   "SearchSingleItem_Request_1": {
      "Collection": "SearchAll",
      "Type": "RIC",
      "Value": "AC.TO",
      "ResponseProperties": "DocumentTitle"


    "SearchSingleItem_Response_1": {
        "ResultsHeader": {
            "FirstResult": 1,
            "LastResult": 2,
            "Results": 2,
            "TotalResults": 2
        "Results": {
            "Result": [
                    "Property": [
                            "name": "BusinessEntity",
                            "Value": "QUOTExEQUITY"
                            "name": "DocumentTitle",
                            "Value": "Air Canada, Ordinary Share, The Toronto Stock Exchange"
                            "name": "PermID",
                            "Value": "55838794281"
                            "name": "PI",
                            "Value": "29204007"
                            "name": "RIC",
                            "Value": "AC.TO"
                    "Property": [
                            "name": "BusinessEntity",
                            "Value": "INSTRUMENTxEQUITY"
                            "name": "DocumentTitle",
                            "Value": "Air Canada, Ordinary Share"
                            "name": "PermID",
                            "Value": "8590941535"
                            "name": "PI",
                            "Value": "28432334"
                            "name": "RIC",
                            "Value": "AC.TO"

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