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DACS Gateway connection is down


I am using Java EMA API to fetch data from Elektron service. While my program was running, it came across the following error:

22:34:09.492 [pool-4-thread-1] ERROR com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl - loggerMsg

ClientName: LoginCallbackClient

Severity: Error

Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message


usernameType 1

State: Closed/Suspect/Internal error from sender - text: "DACS Gateway connection is down"


What is the cause of this error? How can it be resolved?


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From the error message, it looks like to be a problem on the server-side. The error "DACS Gateway connection is down" indicates that the connection between the server and DACS Gateway is down. Therefore, the stream is closed by the server.

You need to contact the server team via MyRefinitiv to verify the problem.

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@Jirapongse @dhruv.arora We have the same error. After restart service we can receive RefreshMsg but later the error happen. How do I fix this error? Does it come from Refinitiv server error? Thanks

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