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Retrieve company and ID name change events

Is there a way to retrieve the Corporate actions ID and name changes via RDP or Eikon API?

i.e. can I programmatically retrieve the info in shown in the screen shots:

AFC.NZ Corporate actions All Historical - Name and ID changes

I know how to get symbol changes with rdp (I do not know how to do this with eikon) but not name changes!

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Hi @armandnaude

I tried looking for fields carrying the information using Data Item Browser but I could not find them.

I only found this TR.CACorpActEventType field but it does not carry the name change event.

I would suggest that you contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at https://my.refinitiv.com/

And ask the content team to provide an Eikon Excel formula if there are any TR fields carrying the information you are looking for.

(assuming there is a field)Once the formula is given, you can easily use the same field/parameter with Eikon Data API.

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