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Hi,We are trying to perform end to end screening via SAP PO. While establishing the connectivity we are getting handshake failure exception

Hi @mraffia,

I saw your post, please help me on this Query

Awaiting your valuable response...

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Hello @prasannagm08

Could you please confirm which Refinitiv APIs that you are using? The Connected Risk API team has checked this question and it seems to not related to Connected Risk API.

If you are using Refinitiv Product, you may submit a ticket to the product support team via website.

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Hello @prasannagm08

Could you please confirm which Refinitiv APIs that you are using? The Connected Risk API team has checked this question and it seems to not related to Connected Risk API.

If you are using Refinitiv Product, you may submit a ticket to the product support team via website.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.