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How to obtain historical and actual bunker prices using Postman?

Hi Everyone,

I'm struggling to pull out the data from RDP API using postman. I have succeeded in using the view "VesselPhysicalAssets" for the vessels' position list; however, I'm trying different views to get the bunker prices and other economical indicators, and none of them works so far. Could you help me with that?
The idea is to use Postman to get the ask, mid, trade, and close of bunker prices. I used that one below, but it didn't work. Do you know which view and selection terms would work for that?

Command: POST https://{ {RDP_HOST}}/search/beta1/


"View": "Instruments",


"Select": "BidPrice, MidPrice, AskPrice, Price"

The other doubt that I have is to get some indicator/index values as below, using the https://{ {RDP_HOST}}/search/beta1/ or if there is a different API that suits better, please, feel free to indicate:














I'm not supposed to use Python for this report, so If you know how can I use Postman instead, I appreciated it.

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RDP Search service provides criteria search. It can for example return the list of instruments that satisfy defined criteria. This service is not intended for the retrieval of pricing data.
If you're interested in historical pricing data, you can use Historical Pricing service on RDP (/data/historical-pricing/).
If you're interested in most recent pricing data, this is normally retrieved using Websocket API, RDP Libraries or Eikon Data APIs, none of which you can use in Postman.
There's an endpoint on RDP that provides snapshot market data (/data/pricing/beta3/snapshots), however I'm not sure if this service is in production yet. But regardless of its production status, if you're using Eikon credentials to retrieve data from RDP, you will not be able to access this endpoint.

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@Alex Putkov. thanks a lot for your support. I'm using the URL: and it's necessary to add the RIC after the last slash as the example below:

However, for the RIC's below the command doesn't work. Do you know which one could I use for economics indicators such as CPI Index and so on? I need the last data at least to update my model.






I'm afraid timeseries for economic indicators are not yet available from RDP. If you're using Eikon account, the only way to retrieve this data programmatically is by using Eikon Data APIs.

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Hi @Alex Putkov., how are you? As you kindly helped me with the last question, I would like to check with you if you have a clue about this one. Thanks in advance!

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