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Python API: can not request equity indices timeseries in EUR currency

For some equity indices such as "World-Datastream Market", we need timeseries in EUR currency. Using the get_data() function in python it only works in terms of a snapshot:

  • ds.get_data('TOTMKWD',fields=['X~E'], start='2020-01-01', end='2021-10-01', kind=0)


whereas it does NOT work in terms of timeseries resulting in error message:

  • ds.get_data('TOTMKWD',fields=['X~E'], start='2020-01-01', end='2021-10-01')


How can we still request timeseries for equity indices such as "TOTMKWD" in EUR currency?

1627912848168.png (10.7 KiB)
1627912884049.png (12.0 KiB)
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You can try this one instead.

ds.get_data('TOTMKWD~E,TOTMKWD(PI)~E', start='2020-01-01', end='2021-10-01')

The output is:


1627958018165.png (19.1 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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