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How to get historical monthly open interest data in Eikon with Python API?

I used the following code as mentioned in this question


but it gives daily data not monthly data. Is there any way to modify it somehow to retrieve monthly data?


df, e = ek.get_data('NGc1', ['TR.OPENINTEREST.Date', 'TR.OPENINTEREST'], {'SDate':'2011-01-01','EDate':'2020-12-31'})


Any leads will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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hi @saad.ali ,

You can add parameter 'Frq' to set the frequency of the data returned. Please note that M is used for monthly, Y=yearly, Q=quarterly, W=weekly, D=day

for example,

df, e = ek.get_data('NGc1', ['TR.OPENINTEREST.Date', 'TR.OPENINTEREST']
                    , {'SDate':'2011-01-01','EDate':'2020-12-31','Frq':'M'})


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@raksina.samasiri Thanks a lot. It works :)

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