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Getting token in RDP requires USERNAME, PASSWORD and CLIENT_ID.

For USERNAME and PASSWORD Refinitiv Eikon's pair is used , but where can I find CLIENT_ID?

Thank you.

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hi @chernov-a-v

Please refer to the Quick Start guide for RDP APIs

It has a link to the AppKey Generator for getting your ClientID/AppKey

Client_id is an OAuth term but is used to represent an AppKey. This is a unique ID defined for an application making the request

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It worked, thank you. But now I'm facing new problem. I succesfully logged in RDP. And when I tried run instrumentPricingAnalytics example code, I get 403 error. So my subscription dont have access to that functions?

Error text: Unable to get data. Code 403, Message: {"error":{"id":"67b80bb7-aecb-42f0-a818-71ec2f697b5d","code":"insufficient_scope","message":"access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []","status":"Forbidden"}}

Hi @chernov-a-v ,

The 403 error could be because you don't have access to the API or the subscription has expired.

Could you please contact your account manager to check your entitlements?

ok, thank you. I'll do it.

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