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why does RDP.get_historical_price_summaries work with some series but not others?


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The TR.PriceClose field is not available for the get_historical_price_summaries method.

The available fields for .SPXTR are TRDPRC_1, OPEN_PRC, HIGH_1, and LOW_1.


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thanks @Jirapongse ! i found the TR.PriceClose from the Data Items Browser, as per one of the tutorials for the eikon API. How do I find the applicable data items/fields for the rdp api?

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Hello @dkdg73

I am not a data expert but I think each item has its own set of fields that are available for the time-series data.

I highly recommend you contact the Content support team to help you with the fields and items that you are interested in. You can contact them via website.

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