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MS Excel (Pro 2013) Addon for Eikon - Question for upgrading existing complex template


I tried to upload my MS Excel Eikon based template which contains three (3) worksheets but I'm keep getting this discussion board's uploading feature's error message that file is too big to be uploaded. I tried to delete two worksheets and have file uploaded with only one worksheet to reduce the file size but it's still showing me that the file is too big. I really wanted to upload the file Excel file (eikon template) here directly to my post because I'm assuming people who could possible help me won't want to use external downloading links but due to too large file size, uploading here just doesn't work. So I had to look up for the most trustworthy and most safe file uploading website and I came to WeTransfer. In case if you prefer me to deliver that file anyhow differently then please let me know. I uploaded my Excel template file on the following link:

I have three questions for each worksheet in existing template which I hope it is now downloaded and opened in front of you while reading this message. Please check my template of alternatively kindly let me know please how else could I deliver the file to you.

In each of three worksheets, you see the column D which is ''Volume'' and instead of assuming the answer, may I politely ask if you could please carefully check each column D of each worksheet and kindly inform me what Volume is this? You see the formulas that are taking care for auto updating of files when logged in from excel to eikon but I'm asking what Volume is this in all three columns D on all three worksheets? Is this Volume quantity of outstanding (floating) stocks or is this volume in currency unit which would mean quantity of outstanding (floating) stocks MULTIPLIED with price per stock? Again, I would like to politely ask again to please look at the file so you wouldn't think just ''volume is always...'' but then in reality in my file is something else.

Second question: For average of how many days is this ''Volume'' defined? How could I set that it's is for the average of my own wanted quantity of days (65)? It's very likely that the volume is for average of different quantity of days.

Third question: This has nothing to do with volume or above two questions. I would like to have between E and F column, added additional column. That would be stock instrument Market Cap of publicly traded company. Could anyone please tell me how can I add Market Cap of the publicly traded company into the worksheet? It's worth to emphasize that we cannot know in advance how many lines in total will there be after auto updating of the data.

Your 3 answers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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Hello @andrej9909 ,

As you are not, currently, a Refiniv Eikon customer, in my understanding, you will not be able to send your Eikon Excel workbook to a Refinitiv Eikon expert- currently.

You will have to be a Refinitiv Eikon customer or, potentially, a Refinitiv Eikon prospect in the product trial, to enable this type of Refinitiv Eikon product expert assistance.

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Hello @andrej9909 ,

Eikon Data APIs forum is intended for, and can be most helpful with Eikon Data API usage questions and discussions.

For Eikon Excel and Eikon content questions, as a customer, the best resource is Eikon Helpdesk online or dialing your local Refinitiv Helpdesk number- you will be connected with an Eikon Excel expert who will be able to help.

If you have registered on tdevelopers portal with your organization's email, we could have been helpful, by opening an Eikon support case on your behalf.

Hope this information is of help

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@zoya faberov I came on this discussion board with my three questions on purpose to hopefully get the answers here. My subscription is currently inactive, I'm yet to renew it and phone support might be able to help currently paying active subscribers only.

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Hello @andrej9909 ,

Your question is on the details of Refinitiv Eikon content, that is made available via Eikon Excel.

The members of Refinitiv Eikon Data API forum are developers, working with Refinitiv Eikon Data API, the moderators of the forums are Refinitiv API experts, and do not have the in-depth expertise in many types of content, that is made available by Refinitiv and that is required to fully answer your question.

You are specifying, that you are not, currently, an Eikon subscriber.

If you are a Refinitiv customer for another product, I would suggest contacting your organization's Refinitiv account manager, who may assist you with this requirement.

If you are not a Refinitiv customer, but are considering Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace, I would suggest contacting Refinitiv Sales and Marketing for the pertaining information.

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Hello @andrej9909 ,

In addition to the primary response provided above, I see that all three sheets of the workbook are sourcing TR.VOLUME field.

TR.VOLUME is defined in Eikon Data Item Browser:


You should be able to obtain volume information as timeseries, for the required number of days in the past.

You should be able to add Market Cap to the sheet as well. Not being a content expert, likely as TR.MARKETCAPITALIZATION field.

For a developer working with Eikon/Refnitiv Workspace via API, Eikon Data Item Browser comes very helpful in exploring the available content and selecting the content per one's requirement, you may wish to review more of Eikon Data Item Browser usage in this relevant article.

Hope this information helps

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Thank you again for response but I don't find in the formulas any numeric value which could be used to modify the volume ( * ) to wanted value: past 65 day average. I believe this cannot be done directly inside Excel and neither for market cap since ''TR.MARKETCAPITALIZATION '' does not seem to work.

( * ) I'm aware that you already answered me that the volume is for quantity of outstanding (floating) stocks and NOT volume as quantity multiplied with price per stock

Is there any excel consultant for eikon to whom I could send this template as the user who doesn't have current active subscription? I called called refinitiv's main phone number for excel addon help (18778775435) but they are telling me that they can help active subscribers (at the time of call) only because they need to access the active profile of the caller in order to start helping. That's why I'm asking if there is any email address to where I could possible send that template.

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