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PYDSWS ds.getdata does not work


I have an issue with the API trying to retrieve any data from Datastream using PYDSWS.
I've tested the connection and I successfully get the token.

It seems that the response from Datastream has changed or failed.

I have been using the request for years and I have not changed it.

I tried a simple and trivial request to check if it still gives me an error message and it does.

I copy below the kind of error I get:


a= ds.get_data(tickers='VOD', fields='P,MV,VO', start='-10D', end='-0D', freq='D')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\raiteri\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_20332/", line 1, in <module>

a= ds.get_data(tickers='VOD', fields='P,MV,VO', start='-10D', end='-0D', freq='D')

File "C:\Users\raiteri\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PyDSWS\", line 102, in get_data

df = self.from_json_to_df(response)

File "C:\Users\raiteri\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PyDSWS\", line 41, in from_json_to_df

if response_json['Dates']:

KeyError: 'Dates'


Thanks in advance


pythonpython apidatastream-api
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Hello @eugenio.raiteri

I want to add the additional information that the PyDSWS library is a 3rd-party library (not Refinitiv official product), so you can contact the library developer directly via GitHub page to report any issues about the API call.

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@eugenio.raiteri Hi - this is working for me:

a= ds.get_data(tickers='VOD', fields=['P','MV','VO'], start='-10D', end='0D', freq='D')

the fields need to be put into an array to be well formed. I hope this can help.

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You may check the response with the website.

First, use the Get Token method to get a token.

Then, use the token with the Data (HTTP GET) method to get the data. Next, check the response.

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Thanks to everyone.
It was probably due the fact that Refinitv changed the URL of the request as pointed out by @wasin.w .
Best regards

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