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pull monthly time series using RHISTORY

If I want to pull just monthly time series, how do I change the following RHISORY formula?

RHistory(A4:D4,".Timestamp;.Close","START:"&$A$2&" END:"&$A$3&" INTERVAL:1D","FRQ:SNAP","SORT:ASC TSREPEAT:NO NULL:" &"SKIP" &" Transpose:N",A7)

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You can use the Excel Formula Builder to check valid values of parameters. For monthly data, the Interval is 1MO.


According to the Eikon Excel Help page, the valid values of Interval are:

INTERVAL defines the interval between each data point retrieved. The list of available values is instrument and field-specific. It can have these values.

{TICK, TAS, TAQ, TASTAQ, 1M, 5M, 15M, 60M, 1D, 1W, 1MO, 1Y}

INTERVAL:TICK to retrieve data for each change in a particular price value (trade price, bid, ask, and so on) for the requested instrument

INTERVAL:TAS to retrieve historical time and sales data, that is, a historical record of trades for the requested instrument, sorted by time

INTERVAL:TAQ to retrieve historical time and quotes data, that is, a historical record of quotes for the requested instrument, sorted by time

INTERVAL:TASTAQ to retrieve time series data for trades and quotes, that is, a historical record of trades and quotes, sorted by time

INTERVAL:1M for 1 minute

INTERVAL:5M for 5 minutes

INTERVAL:15M for 15 minutes

INTERVAL:60M for 60 minutes

INTERVAL:1D for 1 day

INTERVAL:1W for 1 week

INTERVAL:1MO for 1 month

INTERVAL:1Y for 1 year

Default value: None.

You must define INTERVAL for RHistory.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.