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How to grab data from the body and from the response of the call and use this data in the next call for the bulk run

Hi Guys,

I have got an interesting task and am not sure how to proceed with this. Maybe you could recommend to me the ways.

POST | URL: ........./release

I have 1 POST request to create the Release for each Project. The request body has the "ProjectID" on it and in the Response body I have got the "ReleaseID"

POST | URL: ............/cycle

The 2nd POST request is to add the "Cycle" to the created release by using the individual "ReleaseIDs" we received in the response body of the previous call and also we need to use the "ProjectID" from the previous request body

Here are the requests to make it more clear:

1st call Body: ____WE NEED to grab "ProjectID" from here

"release": {

"name": "TEST API Releas35",

"description": "",

"startDate": "",

"targetDate": "",

"projectID": "5149"


Response: _____WE NEED to grab "releaseID" from here


"success": true,


"message": "Release added successfully.",

"data": [



"releaseID": 39168,

"releaseName": "TEST API Releas35",

"builds": [


"name": "LKGB",

"isArchive": false,

"buildID": 70785






2nd call_to add the cycle to this release:


"cycle": {

"name": "{ {cycle2}}",

"startDate": "",

"targetDate": "",

"projectID": "{ {QMprojectID}}",

"releaseID": "{ {versionID}}"



P.s. We would do that by running the CVC file that has over 50 "ProjectIDs"

Actually, we would send the following requests:



"release": {

"name": "{ {version}}",

"description": "{ {description}}",

"startDate": "{ {Qmstartdate}}",

"targetDate": "{ {Qmtargetdate}}",

"projectID": "{ {QMprojectID}}"




"cycle": {

"name": "{ {cycle2}}",

"startDate": "",

"targetDate": "",

"projectID": "{ {QMprojectID}}",

"releaseID": "{ {releaseID}}"



Example of the excel file we use:

1651082421034.png (42.9 KiB)
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Hello @okviga,

You don't seem to be using a Refintiv product/API. For this generic programming question, I would recommend that you ask at

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