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Pulling Live Vessel Information (inc. Filter) from Interactive Map


I am looking to extract all the possible data of vessels (filtered by trade flows - only carrying LNG) from the interactive map using Python.

Is anybody able to suggest the best way to do this? I would be eternally grateful!

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Hi @sooraj.soin

To get started, you can use the Search API within the Refinitiv Data Library for Python. Here is a relevant code sample:

response = search.Definition(
    view = search.SearchViews.VESSEL_PHYSICAL_ASSETS,
    filter="VesselStatus eq 'IN SERVICE' and RCSAssetTypeLeaf xeq 'LNG Tanker'",
    select="RIC, SynonymSearchAll, DTSource, LocationTimestamp, IMO,Latitude, \
            Longitude, LocationDestination"
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