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State: Closed/Suspect/Timeout - text: "Authentication token has expired."

com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl.rdmLoginMsgCallback [msg-thread-2] ·⊱══> loggerMsg

ClientName: LoginCallbackClient

Severity: Error

Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message


usernameType 1

State: Closed/Suspect/Timeout - text: "Authentication token has expired."


The client reported this error and then the subscription data was not pushed again

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Hi @zhangqingfeng ,

Could you please confirm how the connection is established, is it

  • EMA --> LPC --> RTO
  • or EMA --> RTO

If it's the first one and the error occurred in the LPC, please raise a ticket via MyRefinitiv , select Product and Content > The product does not work as expected > Refinitiv Real-Time1656584572520.png

Hope this helps

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hi @zhangqingfeng ,

I have tried running an example and have found no issue so far.

Could you please check the answer in this thread and please let me know in case the issue still persists.

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token.png this is lpc.log img

token.png (49.1 KiB)
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I am having the same issue. The app is build with the Java EMA flavor of the Real-Time SDK and connecting using the optimized environment. Some instances never have the issue, others have intermittently.

Is there some sort of configuration for the token refresh?

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Hi @andre.malenfant ,

I'd like to inform you that as this question is closed with an accepted answer so it won't be monitored by moderators, we suggest you create a new question so the moderator can have visibility to check it.

However, regarding the question, did you use a single credential with multiple sessions or multiple applications? There is a recommendation for all RDP based-APIs (including RTO) to use multiple RTO accounts to run multiple applications/sessions.

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