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Date calculation vs actual date in the data extracted


I noticed that some measures for ETF (and potentially other instruments) are computed the next day. For example below (or TR.SharesOutstanding).

1658786876697.pngWhen we pull data via API, do these figure appear against 'calc date' or the 'actual date' for which data point belong to? I have a feeling that they appear incorrectly against 'calc date' but may be wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I need to undetstand if I need to shift them against other columns including price, market cap etc.

If there is a documentation around it for future, that may be helpful too.


1658786876697.png (38.4 KiB)
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Hello @gk21271 ,

Developers forums are not the best place to verify how the content is being populated. Eikon Data API forum intended to be of help with how to use API to access/request the content using Eikon Data API Python.

To find out the exact meaning of the values populated, and when they are populated for the specific exchange and instrument type, the best approach is to engage with Refinitiv Eikon content experts directly, via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon and your query will be assigned to a Refiniv expert for this content.

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