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API python version to use for Eikon Desktop 4.0.55

Hello everyone,

Helpdesk sent me here.

I am running Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2019, 15:29:51) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32 in a completely offline environment behind corporate firewall.

I download packages and wheels from PYPI or Anaconda and have to do pip install --no-index or conda install --offline

I had to upgrade to Eikon Desktop 4.0.55041 and was running 4.0.4 version before because it was the only version that worked with my Python and R.

I tried eikon-1.1.15 and eikon 1.1.8 now to connect back to API and followed requirements for upgrading/downgrading dependencies however I get Code 500 Internal Server Error.


I checked links from this thread and everything seems to work in browser.

could I ask what version of Eikon python package could work with Eikon Desktop 4.0.55041 and Python 3.7.3?

I will try those versions and if it doesnt work I am blaming firewall.

Regards, Vic

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Hi @victor.zommers ,

The error 500 | "read ECONNRESET" is related to Eikon Desktop, and you can use any recent version of eikon, ideally the last 1.1.15 (too old version will cause connection error similar to issues described in Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting)

According to the support, the "read ECONNRESET" root cause is not known, but it is suspected that this appears when a user logs into the Eikon desktop when another account had previously been logged in.

It's recommended to close Eikon Desktop, clear cache, then restart application.

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Hello @victor.zommers ,

From Quickstart guide I do not see a specific limitation to the version of Eikon module. The Eikon modules that are older may exhibit specific issues, that have been fixed in the later versions, but should not, in my understanding, result in error 500.

My own combination, if this will help

  • Eikon desktop = 4.0.59
  • Python 3.8
  • Eikon module 1.1.14.

By "everything seem to work in the browser", do you mean:


Results in:


proving that Eikon proxy is listening on the expected port? or?

To troubleshoot the issue from Eikon Data API python perspective, you may enable eikon log,

import eikon as ek

and run Quickstart steps, and either be able to run as expected or collect additional information that will help troubleshoot the issue. A very helpful guidance resource is article Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting | Refinitiv.

If you find that you are able to run Quickstart steps from Python as expetced, and the issue is limited to R, you may wish to submit via R wrapper for Refinitiv Eikon API on GitHub

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