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36 0 0 2

Archive / Delete / Archive Bulk / Delete Bulk don't work


The following end points return a 404 error

  • cases/{ {case-system-id}}/archive
  • cases/{ {case-system-id}}/delete

The following end points don't work

  • /cases/bulk/archive
  • /cases/bulk/delete

and return this error :
"errors": [
"error": "CASE_NOT_FOUND",
"cause": "API key does not have permission to access the case or case not found."

My user has Delete and Archive authorisations but I understand that my Pilot environment doesn't have the proper permissions.

Could you advise ?

Thank you

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@Sebastien B


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36 0 0 2

Hi @judith.pillado.lseg,

Ok, I found out the problem. I was calling the API with the caseId instead the caseSystemId.

It works now.

Thanks for your help

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Hello @sebastien.bellecourt - thank you for reaching out to us! Would you kindly provide your request and response headers so that I can investigate your issue further? (Please cover/erase your API key within the headers for security purposes.) Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!



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36 0 0 2

Hi Judith

Below an example for cases/bulk/archive

Obviously the cases exist ....


1664460171679.png (230.5 KiB)
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Hello @sebastien.bellecourt - I am investigating the issue, but in the meanwhile, please delete the previous comment. The request/response headers contain your API key which is sensitive information. I have copied the headers on my end and will review. Thanks.

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ok done, thank you
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Hello @Sebastien B, after investigating further, I am able to see the error you are facing and I am unable to locate the cases at all.

You stated that the cases exist - are you able to provide proof of that? Proof could consist of screenshots of successful responses using the{caseSystemId}/results endpoint along with the request/response headers. Kindly let me know. Thanks!

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