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Is there an option to receive TimeSeries data in reverse order from Datastream Web Service?


I am trying to receive TimeSeries data from the Datastream API in Excel VBA under Windows, using the code examples shown in . The data comes back as oldest to latest, but I would like to reverse this order (from latest to oldest ).

In the Excel DSGRID function there is an option to specify "LatestFirstValue=true". Is there a corresponding option using the Datastream Web Service?

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Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

I don't think it has the option to reverse the order of response. We have contacted the product team to confirm it. However, to get a prompt response, you can contact the Datastream Webservice support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

I enabled tracing in the Refinitv Datastream Excel add-ins to verify how the request was sent using the LatestFirstValue=true option.


The first entry is still the oldest data. I think the add-ins reversed the data and display it in excel.

You can do the same thing in VBA. For example, create an array from the datastream response and then reverse the array.

I hope that this information is of help

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