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Get RIC or ISIN from company name

Using EIKON with Excel, i want to retrieve either RICs or ideally ISINs for a large number of companies. Now, what I could do is using the "build formula" tool to get the codes manually by typing in the companies' name and selecting the right one from the search suggestions, usually the top hit. I would like to automate this process. Simply selecting the cells with the companies' names as instruments does not work.

Thanks in advance.

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Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

You can refer to the COM APIs for use in Microsoft Office.

The COM APIs can be used with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VB, C++, and various other programming languages that can interact with COM.

You can try RSearch to search for instruments.


You can also refer to Tutorial 7 - Instrument Search - RSearch for more information.

I hope that this information is of help

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