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How to pull bond yield through RESTful API export from the platform?

How to pull bond yield through API export from the platform? we are doing daily valuation on our funds, and would like to have the prior day's closing yield fed to the system automatically.
We are trying to determine if you offer a RESTful implementation of your service. We want to be able to call it from an ETL job from Azure Data Factory to get the daily updates as part of a batch process.
Please advise, and if supported provide documentation.

Product: Refinitiv Workspace

The documentation notes that the python examples require the Refinitive app installed and running in a Windows or Apple computer. The app acts as a data proxy that fetches data requested by the python scripts from your back end.

This is not a RESTful api (based on https calls to an endpoint that you host), such as other service providers offer. Do you offer a RESTful interface at a different subscription level, or not at all?

What we are trying to implement fully automated updates for GOC bond yields for our commercial loan servicing VM. Our preference is to call your back end for this data with having to dedicate and manage a computer to host your app as a proxy.

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You can try Refinitiv Data Platform. Refinitiv Data Platform provides simple web-based API access to a broad range of content. It required an internet connection to retrieve data from Refinitiv Data Platform.

For example, you can get historical trade yield through this endpoint:

The output looks like this:


There are other endpoints available in RDP to retrieve other data, such as fundamental data, news, and ESG.

Instead of directly sending HTTP requests to RDP, you can also use Refinitiv Data Libraries which are ease-of-use APIs defining a set of uniform interfaces providing the developer access to the Refinitiv Data Platform.

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