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TR. function - only import RICs with USD as currency


I have a collection of CUSIPS of stocks and bonds in an excel file from which I'd like to pull all RICs that are only listed in the currency USD. So far, I am using the following command: =TR([column with CUSIP], "tr.ric").

Can anyone help me implement the USD as a criterion to trace the data?

Much appreciated!

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I checked the available parameters of the TR.RIC field in the Formal Builder and am unable to find the parameter used to specify the currency.


You can contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm it.

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I assume that you would like to convert CUSIP to RICs that are listed in the currency USD.

I think you can use RSeach instead via Advanced Search.


The output is:


For more information regarding @RSearch function in Eikon Excel, please contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

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Good Morning! Thanks for your input. Although I think I wasn't clear in the description of my issue.

Below you can find the file that I am currently working with. I have the CUSIPS available for all securities and the corresponding ISIN that I could request from the Excel add-in via the =TR. function. Now, as you can see the RICs in column C are not in a single currency, it seems like Refinitiv is pulling any available listed RIC (maybe the first one Refinitiv comes across?).

Currently, I am using the following function for the first row: =TR(A3, "tr.ric"). While it gives me a RIC that corresponds to the CUSIP, it doesn't deliver the RIC in USD.

So, my question is whether it is possible to add an "only USD" identifier to the tr.-function?


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