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Index Constituents - Start of every year with Market Cap


I want to get the index constituents of the .TRXFLDINP index from the start of every years since 2012, along with the Market Cap and Average Value Traded (so Volume x Price) at the start of every year.

I have gone through some of the questions posted but do not find the solution I am looking for.


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Hi @vbala ,

I would try to divide the task:

  1. Compile the list of dates at the beginning of the year
  2. Request the list of constituents
  3. Request the market caps and average values traded

Try this, and you may wish to tune the approach on your side to your requirements:

import datetime
for year in range(2012, 2022):
    sdate_for_year = str(year)+'-01-01'
    print("sdate ", year, " = ", sdate_for_year)
    df, err = ek.get_data(
        instruments = ['.TRXFLDINP'],
        fields = ['TR.IndexConstituentRIC',
        parameters = {
    df2, err = ek.get_data(
        instruments = df['Constituent RIC'].tolist(),
        fields = ['TR.CompanyMarketCap',
        parameters = {
            'SDate': sdate_for_year

This results in the output:


Hope that this suggestion is of help

mcapout.gif (76.7 KiB)
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Thank you

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.