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Getting data from Lipper fund using Eikon API

I have a list of Lipper fund IDs and I'm trying to get data for those funds. Since it's a long list, I'm using Eikon API to get the data. The Python codes look like this:

import eikon as ek
import os
import pandas as pd

# import the fund list
df = pd.read_csv('fund_list.csv')
fund_list = df['Lipper Primary Fund Class ID'].tolist()

# variables
field= ['TR.FundName','TR.FundType','TR.FundGeographicFocus','TR.FundLegalStructure']

# call the function 
batchsize = 5000
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(0, len(fund_list), batchsize):
    batch = fund_list[i:i + batchsize]
    data, err = ek.get_data([*batch], field, {'SDate': '2021-12-31'})
    df = df.append(data)
filename = 'year' + str(2021) + '.csv'

The code works fine. My problem is that I can't get the correct variable names to put into the 'field' list for some data points.

I'll need the following data in the Lipper fund database:

Promoter Name; Investment Advisor Name; Sub-Advisor Name; Fund Management Company Name; Administrator Name; Countries Notified for Sale; Group Pension; Infrastructure Fund; Institutional Fund; Insurance Funds; Pension Trust; Investor Type Eligible Counterparty; Investor Type Professional Investor; Investor Type Retail; Asset Status

I can get the data on a fund if I use the "Screener" in the Refinitiv Workspace. I'm looking for advice on how to get those data items for a list of funds using the API. I have contacted the Customer Service team and have been advised that I should raise the question here.

I have checked the DIB (Data item browser) and couldn't find those items.

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Hi @Jiaman.Xu ,

I'm really sorry for the issue you're facing, this is more like a question about the content, hence, I already inform the support team in ticket number 11870276 to provide the resolution (show you how to retrieve it using =@TR formula in Eikon Excel, then the moderators on this forum can help you translate it into get_data method in Eikon Data API call. ) as the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through Refinitiv products. Such expertise is available through Refinitiv Helpdesk.

Hope this helps and the support team is going to contact you soon.

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@Jiaman.Xu , The current Eikon API (same API used by Eikon Excel) only covers a small sub-set of Lipper contents. Hence, if you do not see the fields (all fields with name starts with "TR.Fund") in Eikon API's DIB (or in Excel's Formula Builder), it is likely the data is simply not in the Eikon API. The Eikon/Workspace desktop applications is not using the Eikon API. The newer RDP Funds API should cover most of the Lipper contents.

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