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$$ER: E100,ACCESS DENIED for instruments which are available for the user in Excel

I was referred to this forum from the Refinitiv helpdesk. I do face an error with $$ER: E100,ACCESS DENIED for a couple of Refinitiv IDs, which I can access just fine in Excel, but not using GitHub - DatastreamDSWS/Datastream: Python API for DSWS with the same login information.

The offending IDs are ['ICUSD10(IR)','ICGBP10(IR)'] and I am wondering how this could be, given that I appear to have the proper access rights.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

I can run the following code properly.

df = ds.get_data(tickers='ICUSD10(IR),ICGBP10(IR)',


You can test the request with the Test REST Service. First, use the Get Token service method to get a token. Then, use the Get Data service method with the retrieved token to request Snapshot data of ICUSD10(IR) and ICGBP10(IR).


The response is:

{"DataResponse": {"AdditionalResponses": null,
"DataTypeNames": null,
"DataTypeValues": [{"DataType": "",
"SymbolValues": [{
"Currency": "U$",
"Symbol": "ICUSD10(IR)",
"Type": 5,
"Value": 3.706
"Currency": "£ ",
"Symbol": "ICGBP10(IR)",
"Type": 5,
"Value": 1.924
"Dates": [

"SymbolNames": null,
"Tag": null
"Properties": null

If you are still unable to get the data with the Test REST Service, please contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team to verify your DataStream Web Service account's permission.

I hope that this information is of help

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Ok, I am not able to download the data using the Test REST Service:

{"DataResponse": {"AdditionalResponses": null,
"DataTypeNames": null,
"DataTypeValues": [{"DataType": "",
"SymbolValues": [{
"Currency": "NA",
"Symbol": "ICUSD10(IR)",
"Type": 6,
"Value": "NA"
"Currency": "NA",
"Symbol": "ICGBP10(IR)",
"Type": 6,
"Value": "NA"
"Dates": [

"SymbolNames": null,
"Tag": null
"Properties": null
DataTypeSymbolCurrencyValue TypeValues
ICGBP10(IR)NAStringNADates:2022-11-22 [1 item]

So I will get back to my account team to check our permissions.

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Just for the record, when requesting a time series with the Test API, I get:

{"DataResponse": {"AdditionalResponses": null,
"DataTypeNames": null,
"DataTypeValues": [{"DataType": "",
"SymbolValues": [{
"Currency": null,
"Symbol": "ICUSD10(IR)",
"Type": 0,
"Value": "$$ER: E100,ACCESS DENIED "
"Currency": null,
"Symbol": "ICGBP10(IR)",
"Type": 0,
"Value": "$$ER: E100,ACCESS DENIED "
"Dates": null,
"SymbolNames": null,
"Tag": null
"Properties": null
icon clock
10 |1500

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I got the data properly.



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