High Frequency Historic Future Data RIC
Hi all, I'm trying to get hourly level data for a contract with RIC 'FFH3^2' which is CBoT 30days Fed Fund Rate Future for March 2023. Even though for current future contract 'FFH25' hourly level data is available, the RIC 'FFH3^2' doesnt return any data when I use code: rd.get_history(universe=['FFH3^2'], fields =['BID',…
Why am I getting different outputs when using CUSIP vs RIC?
In the code below, the volume data which we get is different, when I use the CUSIP vs when I use the ticker. Can you help me in getting the correct information? I want to use CUSIP, but want to get the information which is returned when I use the Ticker as the universe. import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session() df =…
Download Earnings Calls Transcripts Using Python from Refinitiv Worspace
Hello! I am using Refinitiv Workspace. I need to download earnings calls transcripts for quite a number of companies for several years. Is this possible via the Python API? I tried to use 'get_data', but I found that there is no 'earnings calls transcripts' option in DIB (Data Item Browser). And I can't find any Refinitiv…
Using fundamental_and_reference leads to warning when <NA> values are in the result
I tried to get some data using lseg-data 2.0.1 with "fundamental_and_reference". The result obviously contains some <NA> values. I got the message: "FutureWarning: Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated and will change in a future version. Call result.infer_objects(copy=False) instead. To…
Using Python API: Check all elements in a list are a valid RIC
My ultimate aim is to be able to do a Ekion Python API query like this df_ric, err = ek.get_data(RIC_List, ['TR.PriceClose','TRDPRC_1'],) Where RIC_List has 1800 elements, 99% of which are RICs in string format and the remaining 1% are not RICs and need to be skipped automatically. (Querying each element using a "try"…
Hello, I need help installing lseg python library
You'll find below the error message generated. It seems there is a problem with Numpy dependency. The version of Numpy is 2.1.2 . ---------------------------------------------------- PS C:\Users\VVMD250\OneDrive - LA POSTE GROUPE\PYTHON> pip install lseg-data Requirement already satisfied: lseg-data in…
Begging for help - ld.open_session() failed with eikon app_key
Please kindly help😭😭 I failed in both methods: 1.Authentification to LSEG Service ld.open_session(config_name="/content/Configuration/lseg-data.config.json", name="platform.ldp") Loading endlessly 2. ld.session.platform.Definition( app_key = EIKON_APP_KEY, grant = ld.session.platform.GrantPassword( username, password),…
Is it possible to retrieve the historical constituents of the ACWI index using Python?
Our main challenge has been downloading the constituents of the MSCI ACWI index, whether current or historical, as both are crucial for our objective. Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful despite multiple attempts. Below are the details of our efforts: Code Attempt 1: import refinitiv.data as rd from…
Historical data for CDS spread for a list of companies
Hi, I would like to retrieve five-year-maturity CDS spread for a list of companies on a specific date historically. Is it possible to do this with Python using API to Workspace application? Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!
Historical data for bid/ask spread for stocks
Hello, I would like to retrieve bid/ask spread for a list of stocks on a specific date historically. But I found it is not possible to directly retrieve in the desktop. Therefore I am considering using Python. Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!
how to calculate annual dividends per share using direct functions or python?
I need assistance with obtaining dividend data from various companies. Since not all companies pay dividends at the same intervals, it is most practical to calculate the total annual dividend. In the attached image, you can see that individual dividend payments are listed. However, I would like to display the summed annual…
Getting Module Error
How to fix this issue
Tracking ESG scores updates over time for backtesting purposes
Hello, I would like to download the time series of ESG scores, but reading your documentation about ESG data I discovered that once a ESG score is published for a given year it can be update later for the subsequent next 5 years, e.g. an ESG score for the 2022 year can be updated until 2027. Is there a way to track the…
Programatically Access Corporate Governance Data
Hi, I am trying to access the corporate governance data via Eikon Python API as advertised here. Concretely, I would like to obtain the data available through the CORPGOV user interface, but do so using the Python API. I would also like to append the target company's ticker to that data. I notice two similar threads here…
Refinitiv Data Library performance significantly worse than Eikon Data API
Hello, Due to the fact the Eikon API is going to be phased out, I've started looking at replacing code from using the Eikon Library, to the Refinitiv Data Library in Python. Currently everything is clear and going smoothly, but I've noticed that the RD library has significantly worse performance than the eikon library. For…