Historical data for CDS spread for a list of companies
Hi, I would like to retrieve five-year-maturity CDS spread for a list of companies on a specific date historically. Is it possible to do this with Python using API to Workspace application? Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!
Historical data for bid/ask spread for stocks
Hello, I would like to retrieve bid/ask spread for a list of stocks on a specific date historically. But I found it is not possible to directly retrieve in the desktop. Therefore I am considering using Python. Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!
how to calculate annual dividends per share using direct functions or python?
I need assistance with obtaining dividend data from various companies. Since not all companies pay dividends at the same intervals, it is most practical to calculate the total annual dividend. In the attached image, you can see that individual dividend payments are listed. However, I would like to display the summed annual…
Getting Module Error
How to fix this issue
Tracking ESG scores updates over time for backtesting purposes
Hello, I would like to download the time series of ESG scores, but reading your documentation about ESG data I discovered that once a ESG score is published for a given year it can be update later for the subsequent next 5 years, e.g. an ESG score for the 2022 year can be updated until 2027. Is there a way to track the…
Programatically Access Corporate Governance Data
Hi, I am trying to access the corporate governance data via Eikon Python API as advertised here. Concretely, I would like to obtain the data available through the CORPGOV user interface, but do so using the Python API. I would also like to append the target company's ticker to that data. I notice two similar threads here…
Refinitiv Data Library performance significantly worse than Eikon Data API
Hello, Due to the fact the Eikon API is going to be phased out, I've started looking at replacing code from using the Eikon Library, to the Refinitiv Data Library in Python. Currently everything is clear and going smoothly, but I've noticed that the RD library has significantly worse performance than the eikon library. For…
Extracting all the tickers traded on an exchange.
I am looking to get a script that gives me all the tickers being traded on stock exchanges in US and Canada. I want it to repeat it for each of the years 2006-2021.
Case 14079299 Canadian and American companies traded on the other side using Phyton
Team, I need your help on client’s query below. Description: Hi, I've realized that there is no data field that returns 0 if a firm is only offered on a single exchange and 1 if it is offered on more than one. In our research focusing on a sample of Canadian and American firms, we wish to determine which companies in each…
Workspace Blended Order Book data stream
Hi, I am working on a monitoring tool for SAFEX contracts. I'm trying to pull the blended order book and log the transactions per broker in excel. I'm stuck on the data stream though, I cant find a way to get the data to pull the data from the "BY order" tab seen in Refinitiv Workspace, it keeps pulling from the first tab…
Hello, I need help installing lseg python library
You'll find below the error message generated. It seems there is a problem with Numpy dependency. The version of Numpy is 2.1.2 . ---------------------------------------------------- PS C:\Users\VVMD250\OneDrive - LA POSTE GROUPE\PYTHON> pip install lseg-data Requirement already satisfied: lseg-data in…
ReadError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Below is the code I am using. Anyone can help? Thank you. ********************************* import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import search rd.open_session() response = search.Definition("AU000000BHP4 Berlin",top=1).get_data() response.data.df.iloc[0][4] rd.close_session()…
How to dissect and show US Municipal Bonds' CUSIP in API?
import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session() response = rd.discovery.search( view=rd.discovery.Views.MUNICIPAL_INSTRUMENTS, filter = "(IsActive eq true and SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'US Municipal Bonds')", top = 10000, select = "CUSIP" ) print(response) Tried this but it is reaching the limit, client wants to see the next…
How to exclude the previous results of the screener in the next screen code?
Want to download big screener of stocks. The problem is the script limits the download to maximum of 10000 stocks at one time having about 50000 records. what is the way to iteratively download the full records from the screener.
Error code 403 | Client Error
Hi, When I run below code, I do see below error message 2024-11-04 17:20:09,235 P[42128] [MainThread 46476] Error code 403 | Client Error: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><!-- Message.TemplateName: URLBlocked Message.Language:…