I am using the Eikon API in Python. I am trying to get the ESG scores of the target companies at the day of the deal announcement and the acquirer scores on the deal announcement as well as 6 months after the deal is closed.
I have the following code that partially works (I am not getting the exact date as per the M&A announcement) How can I get this?
Also, it seems odd to me that doing this for Target and Acquirer, I only get a dataset of around 150 deals, shouldn't there be more?
Thanks in advance
#split dataset in two as otherwise too large for request
MA1 = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), TR.MnAPctHeldAtAnnDate<50, TR.MnAPctOfSharesOwnedPostMerger>=50, IN(TR.MnAStatus,""U"",""C""), BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,20100101,20141231)/*dt:Date*/, IN(TR.MnAPubStatus,""V"",""P""), NOT_IN(TR.MnAMacroIndustry(DealPartRole=T:A),'GOVAGY'), TR.MnAIsForFinancialPurpose==false, TR.MnAIsSelfTender==false, CURN=USD)",
#Check for ESG score of Target company at deal announcement (MA1)
Companies = [str(i) for i in MA1[0]["Target PermID"]]
Fields = ['TR.RIC',
targetesg1, err = ek.get_data(instruments = Companies,
fields = Fields,
parameters = {'SDate' : "0",
'EDate' : "0",
'Period' : 'FY0',
'Frq' : 'FY'})
targetesg1.dropna(subset=['ESG Score'], inplace=True)