Hi! I am trying to download bond data by Refinitiv data API. Learnt from this post retrieve bond ISIN issued by a list of firm RICs - Forum | Refinitiv Developer Community, I write the code, which works well in the chat window in Notebook. However, I do not know how to export the results to excel. How I need to modify my code on this? Many thanks!
import pandas as pd
import refinitiv.data as rd
view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
filter = "(DbType eq 'CORP' and RCSAssetCategory eq 'A:J' and DebtType ne 'SYKHYB' and DebtType ne 'SUK*' and IsConvertible eq false and ((IssuerOrgid eq '27965') and IsGreenBond eq false and (IssueDate ge 2013-01-01 and IssueDate le 2013-12-31)))",
select = "FirstAnnouncementDate,CouponRate,MaturityDate,IssueDate,ISIN,FaceIssuedUSD,RCSConvertibleLeaf,IsGreenBond,IssuerOrgid"