I've been trying to reach support for this issue by phone and they ask me to upload a thread here. I'm behind a corporate proxy and unable to reach the eikon API through the python library, although I'm able to check the status of the API through a web browser or Postman. I've been following the https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/eikon-data-api-python-troubleshooting-refinitiv
Eikon Desktop is up and running with online data in the same machine that python and eikon library is installed. The proxy is configured in the machine with the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. The logs showed the API running, here is a screenshot of it:

Using Postman to query works as expected, receiving a statusCode "ST_PROXY_READY" and the version (2.8.0), the same is obtained through a normal get with a browser.
Despite all that, Python lib does not work. I imagine it's due to some kind of configuration missing for the lib regarding the proxy/bypassing, here is a screenshot of the 503 error:

I wanted to upload more images but the thread only allows me to upload 2, hope that it's clear enough.
Thanks in advance