issue with refinitiv.data library under workspace
dear developers team i have an issue when using refinivi.data library under workspace to extract data usin get_data function Indeed, i have the following error messages the websocket version installed is 0.2.1. can you help to resolve this issue as i'm working to migrate to workspace. Regards Traceback (most recent call…
Explanation of websocket API for price feed response
We are looking for the document explanation to understand the response of Web Socket API for real time price feed. We are using Python to open the websocket and get the price feed. web_socket_app = websocket.WebSocketApp(ws_address, header=['User-Agent: Python'], on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close,…
How to get spot and forward rate using RTO?
I would like to get real-time spot and forward rate using RTO and is there any doc to describe how to compose the request? Here is the request I use to get market price for EUR. How to get spot and forward rate by base currency and quote currency? { "Domain": "MarketPrice", "ID": 2, "Key": { "Name": "EUR=", "Service":…
Where can I get the documentation for status message relating to RTMDS for websocket API
Example : STATUS (Item Closed) Text: RTMDS*Access Denied: to IDN StreamState: CLOSEDDataState: SUSPECT CACHED Status - StreamState: CLOSED DataState: SUSPECT
RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API): Supported to run on a public cloud?
Some of our customers are planning to move their own developed application from on-premises to public cloud, such as AWS, Azure and GCP. Is RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API for all supported OS) officially supported for use on public clouds?
Websocket API - Streaming
Hi, Customer Banco BEST developed a streaming application with Websocket API to subscribe real time data from a RTDS deployed infrastructure. This is working pretty well, but customer identified that sometimes there are RICs not receiving data being requested to RTDS, mainly related with Indices like .FTSE and .GDAXI…
How can I use a Python API to connect to a real-time Elektron feed from an Edge device and continuou
How can I use a Python API to connect to a real-time Elektron feed from an Edge device and continuously stream data?
Web socket API - Workspace migration
How does a client using web socket API is impacted from Workspace migration? What are the steps needs to be taken?
Websocket GBP vs GBp
Hi, When a request is done to London exchange market, for example VOD.L using Websocket API, the price being delivered is GBp. Is there a way to obtain the price in GBP instead GBp? Thanks & Regards, Alfredo
Client reported the following issue with curl connection
Client has configured websockets for ADS 3.8, but is unable to make a connection via curl. Is that normal? <dialogue snippet> bash-5.1$ curl -v -X GET http://ADS-SERVER.com:15000/config Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying * Connected to ADS-SERVER.com ( port…
Issue when I start to receive updates for many items at once
I’ve noticed an issue when I start to receive updates for many items at once. For example, if I connect to receive updates for a Brazilian stock (e.g., AZZA3.SA), and it’s the only stock I’m connected, I receive all updates at the time they occur. However, when I’m connected to around 90 stocks, I start to lose some…
data request
https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/blob/master/Applications/Examples/python/market_price.py We are currently making a real-time data request based on the sample example above. I want to make sure that I can request data again during the disconnected time when I reconnected in case socket communication is lost, and…
Starting the CIAM migration process using Python
We just learned about the need to upgrade to V2 authentication. We have generated a service account, and have a key. The next step is to ?replace? our existing Python client. I assume we should be using the library here ; it shows some examples. Are there a working versions of these examples? Stepping through the library…
Automating usage reports export / download
I am looking for a way to automate the process of retrieving the usage reports (generated in DACS) with the DACS WS API. I could not find a respective GET method in the API manual I did not find any instructions / posts on the Developer’s forum explaining how it could be achieved (besides a single one where it was…
How do I extract just a few values from json data in RTO cloud webscoket?
Hi, I am receiving data via WebSocket for RTO v2, and the data comes in the format shown in the attached file. I cannot find out how to assign this data to a variable. I only see it written in the run area. The data is written after the following line of code, but I am unsure how to handle this JSON object on the Java…