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How can we get all the associated RICs and corresponding ISINs for a list of over 4000 company names through Eikon API?

Is it possible to retrieve the RICs for a list of companies (4000+ company names) with different exchanges and then retrieve their corresponding ISINs using python?

We need something similar to =@TR("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), Contains(TR.CommonName,"&A2&"), CURN=USD)","TR.CommonName;TR.ISIN","curn=USD RH=In CH=Fd") where A2 is Apple.

That formula pulls RICs for companies with "Apple" in the name but this won't work since what is required is to pull all RICs and ISINs associated with the specific company names on the list (i.e. Apple Inc). What is the best code to use?

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

Please refer to the answers in the previous discussions.

  1. [Python API] How to fuzzy search for companies by name ?
  2. Screening using name contains
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