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Specify internal Feed service using Refinitiv.Data Library under .Net(C#)

Dear developer community

i would like to know how to do to get snapshot data from Internal Feed Service (ATS) using Refinitiv.Data Library/Pricing class function as shown below.

when i indicate 'ATS' in Service Property i have no result

thank you for your help and your assistance


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Hi @anass.yazane.1

You will have to confirm the name of the Internal Feed Service and whether it is called ATS. I would try to capture error events on the stream to determine if the server does not recognize the 'ATS' service. For example:

                    .GetStream().OnError((item, err, s) => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {err}"))
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hi @nick.zincone

i add error event as suggested, i have below the error



1671130018696.png (16.0 KiB)
1671130084128.png (5.9 KiB)
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Ok. That is the error coming from the backend. Basically, it does not know the name 'ATS'. You will have to ask the market data team the name of this internal service - I assume you are connecting to your own market data services.
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i will rise to our market data team and get back if i hve more question.


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dear @nick.zincone

i rise the issue to our market data team, they confirm me that the right name of service is ATS.

is there any configFile (maybe the one indicated above, but i don't know where i can find it) where i can check/retrieve the name should be setup for our internal service.

thank you for your help

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Hi @anass.yazane.1

Ok - are you connecting into the correct streaming server? That is, are you connecting into your streaming environment using something like this:

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I use DesktopSession.Definition() to instantiate/open a session.

to get stram price from an Internal server (ATS) should i use 'PlatformSession.Definition() ' rather than DesktopSession.Definition() .

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Hi @anass.yazane.1

When you define a session into the desktop (DesktopSession), you do not have access to your own internal streaming servers - you will have define a PlatformSession as I described and get the connection parameters to your own internal servers. Within the example package, you can see the different sessions you can use - the one your are interested in is the one referred to as "DEPLOYED" - referring to your own deployed streaming platform.

For a general discussion on sessions, you can refer to this documentation page. Note: More former docs will be releasing soon.

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Dear @nick.zincone

even defining host parameter under Deployed session type, i'm not still able to open connection with internal server.

i will work next week with our internal market data team to make some tests, and i will revert to you if is still blocking.


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