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Retrieve Field Value for Chain Constituents using Refinitiv.Data Library under .Net

I want to know if as it’s the case when using get_data function for Eikon Library under Python, and as shown below, is it possible with Refinitv.Data Library under .Net (C#) to get when asking Chain not only Constituents but also fields value requested for each constituent.

Indeed, when using Chain function we are not able to define fields to request.



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Hi @anass.yazane.1

The Chain interface only retrieves the constituents - it does not have the ability to retrieve prices for each constituent. You will have to do something like this:

var chain = "0#FGBL:";
var response = Chain.Definition(chain).GetStream().Streaming(false);

var results = Pricing.Definition(response.Constituents).Fields("BID", "EXPIR_DATE").GetData();

foreach (var item in results.Data.Prices)
   Console.WriteLine($"Quote for item: {item.Key}\n{item.Value.Fields("BID", "EXPIR_DATE")}");


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Dear @nick.zincone

thank you for your answer.


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