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retrieve TR fields and standard Fields using Refintiv Data Library under .Net(C#)

Dear Developer community

i'm wondering if it's possible to retrieve both TR fields and non TR fields using Refinitiv Data Library under .Net (C#), as it can be done using get_data function as shown below.



thank for your help

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@anass.yazane.1 So at the moment the underlying service the .NET library uses for the TR fields is slightly different than its Python counterpart. This means there is no ability to mix non-TR and TR fields in a call. Indeed non-TR (ie RealTime fields) will need to be made as a snapshot pricing request I outlined earlier. In terms of the availability of TR fields - the underlying .NET service is not yet at parity with the Python service. The product team are aware of this and are trying to get them to parity. This means that not all TR fields are available using the .NET lib - from my experience Equity Asset class has very good coverage, but Fixed Income is not that complete currently. Its largely trial and error - I can asked for a more comprehensive response from the Product team and get back to you via email. I hope this can help and I do feel your pain.

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@anass.yazane.1 Yes you can use the RD .NET library to get some of the data - Can I refer you to the general examples file on github here. In contrast to the Python library the .NET library does not have an Access layer (ie get_data function) - so you can use the content layer instead. For detailed content layer examples go to this folder - in our case we want to use the datagrid examples as that presently provides access to many, but not all (including yours as FI coverage is weak currently), TR fields - and those are found here.

To get realtime fields: ['BID','PRIMACT_1','SEC_ACT_1','CLEAN_PRC','TRDPRC_1','VALUE_DT1']

you will need to do a snapshot pricing request and the example is located here.

I hope this can help - currently the python libraries and services are in a more developed state with regard to this particular feature. Let us know how you get on.

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Dear @jason.ramchandani01

I understand that it's not possible to get data for mix types (TR and not TR) using Refinitiv Data Library under C#, and i have to ask for those 2 fields family separately.

Thank u for your prompt answer.

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@anass.yazane.1 unfortunately the 'TR.FiPriceAccruedInterestFlag' is not yet available using the .NET library. I will speak to the product team to try to get this accelerated as they need to be at parity.

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How can I know TR fields available .Net Library.

It means that mixing TR and not TR fields is possible for some TR fields accessible.

correct me if my understanding is wrong.


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