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Issue to retrieve RICS list for a given bond using Refinitiv Data under C#

Dear Developer community.

i'm facing an issue to retrieve Ric list for a given ISIN by using Refinitiv Data (version beta4) under C#.

Indeed, i'm used to retieve this list using TR.RICS field with Excel and also Python (as shown below), but it doesn't work when using FundamentalAndReference module under .Net and i have no response.

i have tried to use symbology mdoule to get RUC from ISIN, but it gives only the composite RIC as best_match option (as it's the case under Python) is not available to set it to false and to get all corresponding rics for ISIN.

thank you for your help and assistance with this issue

1681052902882.pngExcel example

1681052979822.pngPython example

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

The Refinitiv Data Library for .NET uses the DataGrid on RDP. I ran the following code.

 var response = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("US912828X703")

It returned:

Reference Data
Response contains an empty data set: {
  "error": {
    "code": 221,
    "description": "The access to field(s) denied."

Did you get this error?

You may try to use the Search function instead.

var request = Search.Definition().View(Search.View.SearchAll)

I hope that this information is of help.

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Hi @anass.yazane.1

You can try using the 'Symbology' API to access these conversions. For example:

string symbolLookupEndpoint = "";


var endpoint = EndpointRequest.Definition(symbolLookupEndpoint).Method(EndpointRequest.Method.POST);

var response = endpoint.BodyParameters(new JObject()
                        ["from"] = new JArray(new JObject()
                            ["identifierTypes"] = new JArray("Isin"),
                            ["values"] = new JArray("US912828X703")
                        ["to"] = new JArray(new JObject()
                            ["identifierTypes"] = new JArray("RIC")
                        ["type"] = "auto"


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dear @nick.zincone

i have a question regarding symbology service.

indeed, as some TR fields cannot be consumed using refinitiv data library under c# (ex "TR.PreferredRIC","TR.TD.PreferredRIC"), i have tried to get PreferredRIC for instruments (asked by ISIN) by using request body below and asking for "type": "predefined" and "route":"FindPrimaryRic".

but the response contains more than one ric.

is teher a way to get onbly one ric (preferred one) using symbology service.


Request Body:


"from": [


"identifierTypes": [



"values": [





"type": "predefined",

"route": "FindPrimaryRic"


response body


"data": [


"input": [


"value": "US912810TN81",

"identifierType": "Isin"



"output": [


"value": "912810TN8=RRPS",

"identifierType": "RIC"



"value": "912810TN8=",

"identifierType": "RIC"



"value": "US30YTWI=RRPS",

"identifierType": "RIC"





"requestId": "445d9866-763d-49e0-b379-ef2a232d80b3",

"effectiveAt": "2023-04-28T15:50:00.612Z",

"messages": []


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Hi @anass.yazane.1

I would suggest you reach out to the helpdesk regarding this service. They should be able to bring in a product specialist who can confirm if the specific result can be achieved using the Symbology service. The moderators of this site would only have basic knowledge of this service.

However, you can try using the SymbolConversion interface within the library. For example:

response = SymbolConversion.Definition().Symbols("US912810TN81").GetData();


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dear @nick.zincone

thank you for your response. Indeed, i used SymbolConversion to try to get PrimaryRIC/PreferredRIC for Bonds, but the response was not suitable as it not gives the suitable one

to construct this fiunction i fill in both FormSymbolType and ToSymbolType function parameters.

By using your example and not setting up FromSymbolType i get the right response.

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