With the below code I can only retrieve upto 10k mutual funds. I can use IssueLipperGlobalSchemeName filter but there are too many lipper schemes in this PDF and some of the lipper schemes are not exactly matching with the Python output (Eg: In the PDF one of the schemes is called "Equity Sector Information Technology " but in Python output its showing "Equity Sector Information Tech").
Is there any other filter that I can apply so that I can retrieve all the mutual funds (including all the share classes) trading in the US market without missing any of the funds? If this is not possible, how can I get all the lipper global scheme names using python code so that I can use that as a filter in a loop? I need all equity, bond and alternative mutual funds trading in the US market.
Python code
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp rdp.open_desktop_session('<API key>') df = rdp.search( view = rdp.SearchViews.FundQuotes, filter = """IssuerCountry eq 'USA' and ExchangeCode eq 'LIP' and AssetStateName eq 'Active'""", select = """RIC,TickerSymbol,DocumentTitle,ExchangeCode,AssetStateName,CommonName,ExchangeName,FundType, FundClassLipperID,FundClassCurrency,IssueLipperGlobalSchemeName,IssuerCountry,AssetType""", top = 10_000 ) print(df)