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How can i download Tobins q ?

I want to do a esg performance analye and i want to measure the performance with tobins q, but i cant find it by refinitiv eikon

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@christopher.almeling Thanks for your question - you can calculate Tobin's Q ratio using the following:

import refinitiv.data as rd
df = rd.get_data(
    parameters = {'SDate': -10,'EDate':0,'FRQ':'FY'}

df['TobinQ'] = df['Market Capitalization'] / df['Total Assets']


I hope this can help.

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Thank you but i dont really unterstand. Do i have to do this in excel?

wasin.w avatar image wasin.w christopher.almeling

Hello @christopher.almeling

The Python source code given by my colleague is based on the Refinitiv Data (RD) Library for Python API. You can run it on the standalone environment (the Eikon/Workspace must be opened on the same machine) or via the CodeBook App in Eikon/Workspace.

CodeBook is the cloud-hosted Jupyter Notebook development environment for Python scripting from the application. The CodeBook is natively available in Refinitiv Workspace and Eikon as an app (**no installation required!!**), providing access to Refinitiv APIs and other popular Python libraries that are already pre-installed on the cloud.



Hope this helps.

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Hi, I followed your instruction but for 40 different companies. Eventually I got this output but I cannot figure out a way to export the entire table to excel. Any tips. thank you so muchcapture-decran-2023-11-16-a-181033.png

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