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Data retrieved using refintiv data library under. Net not consistant with the ones shown in eikon quotes

Dear developer community

I m facing an issue using refintiv data library under. Net.

Indeed, when I try to retrieve PUTCALLIND and PUT_CALL fields for options rics, I get numerical values as response rather than string formatted (put and PUT-AM).

How can force response format to get string formatted values as visible in quotes and DIB application rather than numerical values which means I have to map numerical with string related content.

Thank you for your help and response

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Hi @anass.yazane.1 ,

I have experienced this as well. Indeed Eikon Data API returns string values for these fields, whereas RD Lib returns numerical codes. This is something that I have previously reported to the Dev team and it is currently under investigation.

Best regards,


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Hi @anass.yazane.1

The library does not attempt to manipulate values returned from the backend, so if you are seeing values different than that of Eikon quotes, then it is possible the quote app is manipulating the data. That being said, if you post the actual code you are using along with an example screenshot of the quote within Eikon, then we can have a better idea of your issues.


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dear @nick.zincone

the problem i'm facing is that for some fields typed as Enum (for ex PUTCALLIND), the data retrieved using RD Library under .Net returing numeric value (2nd Figure) rather than PUT as value for the field requested as shown by the 1st figure (Eikon Quote).

i want to get the same value as Quote without having any decoding based on enumfield for example.

However, i'm wondering why we are not able to retrieve field value using either it's id or display name, as it's the case when making it with RtGet Function under Refinitiv Eikon for office.

RD Library return response only when requesting 'PUTCALLIND', but no data are returned for 'PUT/CALL FLAG' and 109.

thank you for your help



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