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Mismatching of quarterly EPS surprise date and earning announcement dates

I'm doing a research on Taiwan market and retrieved earning surprise data from DataStream. for example, I collected quarterly earing surprise announcement dates (EPSISURDTE) and quarterly EPS surprise score (EPSISURSUE),

I find EPSISURDTE is different from quarterly earnings announcement dates on TWSE. What is the EPSISURDTE? Why it is substantially different form earning announcement date? Following table compare two dates for KYG01408106 (code 1590).

AIRTAC INTERNATIONAL GP. - EPS-INT SURP AN DTAIRTAC INTL GROUP - EARNINGS PER SHARE REPORT DATEKYG014081064(EPSISURDTE)As on TWSE26/02/20176/03/201725/04/201712/05/201713/08/201711/08/201713/11/201713/11/201724/04/201823/03/20183/08/201814/05/201829/10/201813/08/2018

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Hi @fersa375 ,

Thank you for posting the question in this forum. However, this forum is dedicated to an API usage question hence, the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through Refinitiv products. Such expertise is available through Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyRefinitiv. To be of help, ticket number 12324670 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you directly to assist with this.

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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Following is screen capture of the above table,


1677272648517.png (10.2 KiB)
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TWSE announcement dates are available at

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