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Eikon API in Python - Limiting the Downloaded Rows

Hello, Im using Eikon API in Python. I want to limit the ownership downloads with top 10 rows instead of downloading every ownership. How can I adjust it? Thanks

dd, er = ek.get_data(["AAPL.O"],
                     ["CF_NAME", "TR.ISIN", "TR.InvestorFullName", "TR.SharesHeld",
                      "TR.FilingType", "TR.HoldingsDate", "TR.CompanySharesOutstanding"])
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@Fatih Yazgan Thanks for your question - so the StartNum and EndNum Parameter settings allow you to control this:

dd, err = ek.get_data(["AAPL.O"],
            ["CF_NAME", "TR.ISIN", "TR.InvestorFullName", "TR.SharesHeld",
            "TR.FilingType", "TR.HoldingsDate", "TR.CompanySharesOutstanding"],
            {'StartNum': 0, 'EndNum': 10})


Note static fields such as ISIN won't be copied down the list but this can easily be achieved with the pandas forward fill function. I hope this can help.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.