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Refinitiv-data: No data to return


I'm running the following chunk of code:

symbol_list = ['SG7LH6000009', 'SGXF67021638', 'SGXF65793287', 'SG7OI0000007', 'SGXF31305620', 'SGXF13486208', 'SGXF67857619', 'SGXF88972611', 'SGXF42837876', 'SGXF53577940', 'SG7T16943604', 'SGXF83009245', 'SG7IC4000008']
response = symbol_conversion.Definition(
    symbols= symbol_list,

response = historical_pricing.summaries.Definition(
    universe = list(,
    interval = historical_pricing.Intervals.DAILY,          # Supported intervals: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, YEARLY.
    count = 1,
    fields = ["BID", "ASK"]
# Extract in DataFrame format

This is the error message I'm getting:

RDError: Error code 1 | No data to return, please check errors: ERROR: No successful response. (TS.Interday.UserNotPermission.70112, User does not have permission for this universe), (TS.Interday.UserRequestError.70005, The universe is not found)

But the quotes are available on desktop, e.g. taking the first entry



Also, for historical_pricing.summaries.Definition(), is there a way for the universe to take in ISINs directly?

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Hi ,

Thank you for your question. When I look into the output of list( I see RIC chains there (eg 0#SGTEMKS0428=)


So we would need to get the chain constituents first using the following code:

from import Chain

We will get the following output as a result:


After getting all the constituents we will get the following final RIC list:

rics = ['SG7LH6000009=MKCP',

And the historical pricing will return the following output:


One observation I could make from the returned data frame is that from the chain constituents only the ones ending with =RRPS have actual BID/ASK values.

Hope this helps, please let me know should you have any further questions.

Best regards,


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Hi Haykaz,

I tried your solution, which required me to update the refinitiv-data package, and now I'm getting the following error instead:

ScopeError: Error code -1 | Insufficient scope for key=/discovery/search/v1/lookup, method=POST failed. Required scope: {'', ''} Token scope: {'', '', '', 'trapi.graphql.subscriber.access', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''} Missing scopes: {''}

Is this something to be resolved by my account manager? Thanks.

Hi ,

Right, this is most probably a permissioning issue as I can get the data on my end. So please raise this to your account manager.

Best regards,


Hi @h.aramyan01,

We have been made aware that this Chain module is basically inaccessible to the RDP API via the 'platform' as opposed to the 'desktop.session'. Could you please provide a workaround, for mapping ISINs to all available RICS and the constituents of its chain to allow me to get historical pricing?

Many thanks.

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